Put your best foot forward and land your dream job.

Our approach

With 25 years of experience in corporate recruiting, talent acquisition, talent management, and human resources, we know what it takes to land the right job. Lately, it has been extra difficult to navigate and stand out in this post-pandemic work world, but we are here to help with expert guidance and a personalized plan of action.

Working for both small and large companies, we’ve worked with hiring managers from all kinds of companies, roles, and industries; let us share our knowledge and experience with you to help you land that job you’ve been dreaming about. We are candidate and employee experience gurus at heart and we’ve decided to make that our sole focus.

We are no stranger to what happens on the other side of the “black void” after you submit your resume. We can help you get inside the mind of the recruiters and hiring managers you face during your job search, and even help you prepare to nail your interviews. 

Let’s face it, there are a bunch of resources out there, but many lack real experience or depth of knowledge. If you want the right job, with the right culture for you, and the career path you’re striving for, work with TenFootLine Solutions and let us help you shine!

Our expertise is broad. Here are the job categories we have previously supported: Marketing, Sales, Software Development, DevOps, IT Security, Product Management, Human Resources, Talent Acquisition, Client Support and Success, Accounting and Finance, and Legal.

What we can do for you


Kick Off


Online or in-person, this is designated for us to get acquainted so we may best determine your needs and our jumping off point. Typically, initial consultations are 30-60 minutes, depending on your needs, and are always FREE!

Resume Lift


Whether it has been 2 or 20 years since you have dusted off your resume, we will work with you to evaluate your current CV and revise and update as needed until complete.

Social Media Lift

Interview Coaching


With this service, we will provide an overhaul of (some or all) of your social media sites to ensure you are putting your best foot forward and optimizing your exposure to potential employers. Included: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.

Online or in-person, these sessions will help you prepare for and learn how to showcase your best self during and after the interview. This services also provides you with access to our Interview Playbook: Everything you need to know to get an offer so you will always have these tips within reach.

“I spoke to Marci while job searching last year; I took her advice and got the compensation increase I wanted! I am elated. I highly recommend you talk with her.”

— Rhonda G., TenFootLine client