TenFootLine is now TAGRO Solutions, LLC.

For Immediate Release:

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - The staffing crisis has impacted businesses in every sector, of every size. The answer? TAGRO Solutions, LLC. Marci Caudle, founder of TenFootLine Solutions, and Bill Emerson, second-generation leader of Emerson Group Inc, have combined their experience developing in-house talent teams of various shapes and sizes to bring organization’s another option. Together, they are offering solutions to help your company optimize its talent acquisition, retention, and growth strategies.

The current economic climate requires productive internal recruitment teams, strategic thinking, and efficient company-wide talent identification, evaluation, and retention/engagement practices. With a keen eye on diversity, equity and inclusion, TAGRO helps companies build the strong foundation needed to win the war for talent by offering full-service human capital advisory.

“After spending over 25 years each, and then witnessing the impact of a global pandemic on staffing and hiring, we recognized a gap in the marketplace. There are many HR-focused consulting companies out there and hundreds of staffing agencies, so we focus on helping companies identify and solve their hiring and retention challenges from the inside-out.” said Caudle.

To expand on the comprehensive, highly personalized services and targeted approach, TAGRO incorporates innovative behavioral analytics to provide businesses with deep insights. The TAGRO team collaborates with key stakeholders to identify and understand current pain points and then creates a customized success plan, ensuring your organization has the tools and know-how to propel forward. Caudle adds, “The end result is greater consistency, efficiency, and productivity across the company leading to higher engagement and lower turnover.”

Emerson further states, "The staffing shortage is not going anywhere for the foreseeable future. To win this war for talent, companies need to constantly evaluate their internal recruiting and retention processes and improve efficiencies. Recruiting and retention strategies and tools continue to evolve and if companies don't stay current, they will fall behind quickly."

Organizations interested in leveraging TAGRO to enhance their talent acquisition strategy can go online (www.TagroSolutions.com) to learn more. Book a call to start your Hiring Efficiency Assessment, where the folks at TAGRO will help you to evaluate your Team, Tools, and Techniques across the entire candidate and employment journey to identify areas for growth.

Contact: Marci Caudle, Managing Partner 312.402.7181 | info@tagrosolutions.com

January 13, 2023


Quiet What? Quiet Quitting.